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Farmhouse & Saison

Jasper Yeast Labs has a large collection of Farmhouse and Saison strains, historically originating from Belgium and our own US of A.


Farmhouse & Saison

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JY010 - Spirit Saison

Historic origins are the Belgian Ardennes. JY010 is full of character. Can create a creamy orange/citrus character when pushed to the higher temperatures of fermentation. Great yeast for an intense Belgian-style Saison or Farmhouse ale. STA-1 positive.
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JY014 - The Pont

Ferments your beer bone-dry and creates effervescent and sparkling beers with a nice spicy and tart finish. Can produce bubblegum aromas. Arguably the most popular saison yeast. Note: This yeast can be a tricky fermenter that needs some help getting through the wort, especially at lower temperatures and higher gravities. Traditionally, these beers were allowed months to slowly ferment and mature, after primary in shallow fermenters. Keeping the gravity within reason and raising the temperature during fermentation (free rise without inhibitory cooling) helps to ensure completion of fermentation. Good aeration to stimulate diastatic activity, and the addition of a small amount of a neutral strain can also help and will not change the character of the beer. Strain is STA-1 positive.
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JY056 - Poperinge Saison

Strong and robust fermenter, that attenuates your beer in record time. Produces lime and lemon-like aromas with a light white pepper and spice notes. Good saison yeast that can be blended in finicky saisons and farmhouse ales. Workhorse. This strain is STA-1 positive.
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JY102 - DC Saison

Isolated from an beer barrel found during an archaeological dig in Washington DC. Phenomenal blend of flowery and fruity esters. An American yeast like no other. Be careful with high gravity worts - like most Saison-counterparts, does not do well in big beers. Tests positive for the STA-1 gene.
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JY334 - Safety Saison

A new strain in our portfolio, a saison yeast without the diastatic activity feared by some brewers. Still has a high attenuation, and produces a nice spicy and estery character, especially at the higher temperature range.