Yeast delivery from Jasper Yeast


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Yeast Strains Available for Same-Day Shipping (when possible). This list will be changing.

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Jasper Yeast Preferred Strain
Our seltzer yeast produces a clean, neutral base. The yeast flocculates fast for perfectly clear, bright seltzers without excruciating filtrations and finings. After extensive trials the selected yeast strain outperformed every other strain tried. Paired with our Anti-Gravity Warp-Feed Seltzer Nutrient mix it reaches terminal fast without any off flavors or aromas. Our blend is formulated to prevent any strong yellow discoloration in the finished product. A light tinge might be left behind for higher gravity washes. A strong hazy, yellow color is a common result when using other nutrients. The fermentation times we measured (using our yeast and nutrients) to reach terminal are listed below. Only a single addition of nutrient needs to be added: during the boil, reducing the chance of contamination and saving valuable time. 10° Plato (1.040 SG, 10.4° Brix): 4-5 days 15° Plato (1.061, 15.6 ° Brix): 7-9 days 20° Plato (1.083, 20.8 ° Brix): 14-16 days.
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Particle Wave

Jasper Yeast Preferred Strain
JY303 is our 100% natural, non-GMO thiol producing yeast. Genetically modified thiol producing yeasts can be very active in their thiol releasing activity, especially if genes from bacteria are expressed. That (artificial) activity can release large amounts of sulfur compounds, potentially resulting in a burning, unpleasant and artificial aroma. Our strain is not genetically modified and is naturally equipped with thiol releasing activity, resulting in much less sulfur and a more pleasant thiol aroma. The strain produces citrus, pomelo and pineapple aromas and flavors, depending on the ingredients used by the brewer. Its not the best attenuating strain, do not let the jackets come on at the end of fermentation and let it rise to mid 80ies (~30°C). If you want to go over ~18°P you have to make your wort very fermentable.
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Lactobacillus plantarum

Jasper Yeast Preferred Strain
A popular bacterium for souring wort. L. plantarum is hop-sensitive, making it a safe organism for breweries. It cannot easily grow at IBUs that are above 10. Its homofermentative, and a well known probiotic organism. Also known as Lactiplantibacillus plantarum.
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High Pressure Lager

Jasper Yeast Preferred Strain
Ideal for fermenting lager beer in one week. Set fermentation temperature to 62-68°F (17-20°C) and maintain pressure between 6-15PSI with your spunding valve until terminal gravity is reached, often in under seven days. Cool finished beer and lager for 5-7 days. This yeast creates a quality lager while reducing fermenter tank time. Head pressure during primary fermentation reduces ester production, creating a clean lager brewed at much faster traditional ale fermentation temperatures.
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Das Kolsch

Jasper Yeast Preferred Strain
German ale yeast sourced from a brewery in Washington, DC. This strain will produce soft German beers that are refreshing and slightly fruity. Sulfur is produced during fermentation, especially at colder temperatures, but will disappear with appropriate aging or warmer fermentation temps. Ideal for kolsch, altbiers, and even a medium-dry American IPA (between an east and west coast IPA) when you're hoping to repitch and go one more generation before purchasing a new pitch.
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Jasper Yeast Preferred Strain
Similar to our 127, but with higher attenuation, this strain has its ancestry traced to a famous Vermont Brewery. Most likely originating from Britain long ago. Works great for hoppy beers such as NE-style hazy IPAs, IPAs and Double/Imperial IPAs. Fruity when fermented warm, and this fruitiness blends great with hoppiness from the hops you use. Great choice for a hazy IPA requiring higher attenuation. Peachy.
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Lactobacillus brevis

Jasper Yeast Preferred Strain
L. brevis is not as hop sensitive as L. plantarum, but it is heterofermentative (producing CO2 and ethanol/acetate besides lactate.). A very reliable bacterium for the production of pleasant sour wort. The optimum temperature is a little lower than L. plantarum. A combination of both L. brevis and L. plantarum (and L. acidophilus and L. delbrueckii) gives the brewer more activity at a broader temperature range resulting in more reliable souring. L. brevis is a probiotic organism. Also known as Levilactobacillus brevis.
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Weizen I

Jasper Yeast Preferred Strain
Traditional Hefeweizen yeast historically orginating from Freising in Germany. Arguably the most widely used hefeweizen yeast in the world. Good balance between banana esters and clove phenolics, driven by pitch-rate, glucose concentration in wort and fermentation temperature. JY214 is a very dusty strain that can produce some sulfur notes that will disappear with aging. Great for traditional weizen beers, but also fruit beers and beers that benefit from the typical character that comes with this strain. Vigorous exothermic fermenter, needs proper cooling, will drive the pH down if fermentation overheats.
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London 3

Jasper Yeast Preferred Strain
A very popular strain for brewing NE style IPAs. Produces stable haze, paired with strong hop-forward fruit esters, leaving ample body for a soft mouthfeel (it does not ferment maltotriose). Very nice yeast for British style cask ales as well. Does not attenuate well, especially for higher gravity worts. This will result in the desired juicy character and body. Keep expectations in check. If you want it to dry out, do not mash too warm, overpitch, and ferment on the warmer end of the advised temperature range.
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Safety Saison

Jasper Yeast Preferred Strain
A new strain in our portfolio, a saison yeast without the diastatic activity feared by some brewers. Still has a high attenuation, and produces a nice spicy and estery character, especially at the higher temperature range. 
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Jasper Yeast Preferred Strain
Borne in the Ardennes of Belgium, a favorite of many brewer that wants to brew Belgian beers with a yeast that works without any problems. Suitable for a wide variety of Belgian styles, depending on fermentation characteristics and grain bill. Tends to be spicy and fruity, with spiciness being on the forefront at lower fermentation temperatures, and estery at the higher range. Flocculates unexpectedly well.
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Jasper Yeast Preferred Strain
Great cider yeast for ciders finishing dry. This yeast can also be used for higher gravity beers or wines. Produces sulfur compounds early on when low on essential nutrients, but this will dissipate fairly quickly.
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Bohemian Lager

Jasper Yeast Preferred Strain
Clean, with a nice balance between fruity and malty. Arguably the most used lager yeast in the world. JY219 can ferment a wide range of temperatures but likes to be in the low to high 50ies F (10-16C). Produces easy drinkable lagers, especially kellerbiers. Can also be used for Steam beers (60-70F)
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Franconian Lager

Jasper Yeast Preferred Strain
This is the most recent addition to our extensive lager strain collection, and we love it. A balanced, clean strain, it is perfect for bohemian pilsners, classic marzens, or a seasonal doppelbock. Similar to JY219 but with slightly higher attenuation and very low sulfur production. Franconian Lager was popular in Europe during the 1950’s and infrequently used until a recent discovery from a forgotten stock in a German lab.
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Czech Lager I

Jasper Yeast Preferred Strain
JY001 is a beautiful strain from a small Czech microbrewery isolated by Jasper Yeast. A very smooth flavor with a touch of maltiness, this yeast will bring out the best in your refreshing lager! Aromatics produced complement hoppy pilsners perfectly while also letting the malt shine. A slow starting strain but one that keeps on chugging until the job is done. Can be used at higher temperatures without problems, lagering cold when fermentation is complete for a minimum of 3 weeks is advised. Flocculates very hard, resulting in a dense yeast cake - plan ahead when you intend to repitch.
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Poperinge Saison

Jasper Yeast Preferred Strain
Strong and robust fermenter, that attenuates your beer in record time. Produces lime and lemon-like aromas with a light white pepper and spice notes. Good saison yeast that can be blended in finicky saisons and farmhouse ales. Workhorse. This strain is STA-1 positive.
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Chico Ale

Jasper Yeast Preferred Strain
The classic American Ale yeast. Good attenuation but balanced and smooth, finishing clean.
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Jasper Yeast Preferred Strain
Our own isolate. Tropical flavor and ester profile. Mango, Pineapple, and guava are common descriptors for this strain. Hornindal shows medium to high flocculation but is well suited for hazy IPAs, creating relatively stable haze in beers brewed with high protein content grains (wheat and oats). Dry-hopping during fermentation also improves the tropical flavors and haze stability.