Norwegian Kveik
Kveik yeasts are a distinct group of farmhouse yeast cultures used in Norwegian farmhouse brewing. These cultures came to be after decades of selection and usage in the typical high-gravity and high-temperature brewing applied in these farmhouse breweries. In current American brewing vernacular, "kveik yeast" refers to these specific yeast strains, either pure or as mixed culture. Our catalog contains a combination of pure cultures as well as blends of kveik yeasts. All isolated and stocked from samples directly from Norwegian farmhouse breweries. Our kveik strains have a very high temperature tolerance and produce clean esters without the undesirable fusel alcohols that are common with warmer fermentations in traditional British, and American strains. Our kveik strains are non phenolic (POF-), producing a cleaner ester profile, compared to the phenolic flavors produced by Belgian ale strains at warmer temperatures. At elevated temperatures (80°F - 105°F) our strains are ferment fast, flocculate hard, and exhibit above average alcohol tolerance.
Norwegian Kveik

JY246 - Hornindal

JY247 - Voss