As former professional brewers, we take great pride in the craft, technique, and finesse required to brew a fantastic lager. We are very proud of our collection of lager strains and feel each yeast below offers a uniqueness to the finished product. Crisp, clean, malty, and smooth.

JY001 - Czech Lager I
JY001 is a beautiful strain from a small Czech microbrewery isolated by Jasper Yeast. A very smooth flavor with a touch of maltiness, this yeast will bring out the best in your refreshing lager! Aromatics produced complement hoppy pilsners perfectly while also letting the malt shine. A slow starting strain but one that keeps on chugging until the job is done. Can be used at higher temperatures without problems, lagering cold when fermentation is complete for a minimum of 3 weeks is advised. Flocculates very hard, resulting in a dense yeast cake - plan ahead when you intend to repitch.

JY112 - Czech Lager II
Our other Czech Lager, used by the brewery in the town where it all began a few hundred years ago. A nice malty and clean aroma and flavor, with good body. The strain produces beer that is very clean, neutral and easy drinking. A little less flocculant than JY001.

JY153 - Mexican Lager
Neutral lager yeast, great for light adjunct beers and clean and easy drinking lagers. Although attenuation can be on the lower side, perceived as crisp and refreshing. Maltiness is on the forefront but never offensive. Great lager yeast for a diverse set of beer styles, especially the lighter and more amber colored lagers.

JY218 - Augustiner
Another clean lager strain, widely used for hoppier Czech and German-style Pilsners. A great choice for a helles lager as well. More pronounced yeast esters when fermenting at warmer temperatures, more outspoken lager character than other strains.

JY219 - Bohemian Lager
Clean, with a nice balance between fruity and malty. Arguably the most used lager yeast in the world. JY219 can ferment a wide range of temperatures but likes to be in the low to high 50ies F (10-16C). Produces easy drinkable lagers, especially kellerbiers. Can also be used for Steam beers (60-70F)

JY221 - Munich Lager
A robust lager strain with good attenuation. Perfect for somewhat drier pilsners and crisp Marzen/festbiers. Lower sulfur production even at the lower temperature range. Great yeast also for Italian pilsners and more hop-forward lagers.

JY234 - Common
Our common strain is great at regular lager temperatures, but at elevated temperatures it is especially suited for California and Kentucky Common ("Steam") styles. Gives the beer the nutty, pleasant flavor so common in common.

JY258 - High Pressure Lager
Ideal for fermenting lager beer in one week. Set fermentation temperature to 62-68°F (17-20°C) and maintain pressure between 6-15PSI with your spunding valve until terminal gravity is reached, often in under seven days. Cool finished beer and lager for 5-7 days. This yeast creates a quality lager while reducing fermenter tank time. Head pressure during primary fermentation reduces ester production, creating a clean lager brewed at much faster traditional ale fermentation temperatures.

JY268 - Franconian Lager
This is the most recent addition to our extensive lager strain collection, and we love it. A balanced, clean strain, it is perfect for bohemian pilsners, classic marzens, or a seasonal doppelbock. Similar to JY219 but with slightly higher attenuation and very low sulfur production. Franconian Lager was popular in Europe during the 1950’s and infrequently used until a recent discovery from a forgotten stock in a German lab.

JY330 - Dutch Lager
A historic Dutch lager strain. Smooth, finishing with a hint of perceived malt sweetness. Flocculates well. Sturdy yeast, can handle stress.